Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Royal Tyrrell Museum of Paleoutology

This Friday I joined the ESL's activity to go to a dinosaur museum. The museum named Royal Tyrrell Museum of Paleoutology. We spent two hours to there. About 2:00 we arrived the museum.

First we saw a video presentation that let us understand this museum and we had two hours free time to explore there. When we went through the door, I saw a big dinosaur model stand there. It's very exciting. There are many dinosaur models and fossil in this museum and they have explanations at the side. It exhibit many dinosaur fossil from anywhere in the world. I learned some knowledge in there and it's very interesting. I took a lot of pictures in there. It was very regrettable that we just had two hours explore there.

I looked at a pair of beautiful earrings in the souvenirs store. I bought this to give my girlfriend. originally, I wanted to give her when I go back to Taiwan, but I couldn't keep restraint and showed the pictures to her. No suprise but she was happy.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Crazed Chicken Wing

Last Wednesday, I went downtown to eat chicken wing with Lance and Leslie. The pub was named Unicorn. It has a special price of chicken wing on Wednesday.

This pub is underground. We should show our passport when we went into there. I knew that the waiter just wanted to check our age. I think all of pub here will do that. Beginning, we just ordered three kinds of chicken wings that included Honey Garlic, B.B.Q, Salt & Peper. It's really delicious. After a while, Lance wanted to try a "Hell Fire". The waiter told us that it's really very very very spicy. It's the hottest in this pub. We ordered one to try. I tried a bit. Oh my god!! It's too hot. Leslie and I couldn't eat one more bit and the waiter took a lot of water to us. So, Lance had to finish all "hell fire". All waiters thought we are crazed. When we left there, our lips became double thickness.

After that, we really want to eat chicken wing again, but we won't order Hell Fire absolutely.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

New class, New entry

I haven't written my blog for long time. Sometimes, I am lazy to update my blog. This is a new class and I need to write new entries in my blog. I hope I will continue to write new entries in my blog after this class.