Sunday, February 24, 2008

Banff Trip

This friday I joined the Banff trip of ESL. Banff is a national park and it's a beautiful place. There are many kinds of wild animals in there. I saw a lot of majestic mountain scenery and I acquainted some friends. This trip was wonderful.

Let me introduce my friend Eason. I acquainted him in this trip. He is a nice guy. He sat next to me on the tourist bus. He knew I didn't bring camera, so he lent his camera to me. I almost went with him all the trip. We ate lunch together, we rode gondola together, we went to the hot spring together, and we went home together.

About 11:00 we arrived Banff. We only had one hour and half to stay in town center. We just looked some stores in there and then we ate lunch in McDonald's. Because that is cheaper in there. We also rode gondola, everyone go to Banff always to rode gondola. The scenery is amazing when you ride in gondola. Then we went to the hot spring. It's like a pool, not real spring. But taking hot spring was comfortable. All besetments and tiredness disappear at a moment.

This is a good experience in my life. If I have a chance to go Banff I must go there again.

Monday, February 18, 2008

It's my dream

After I read Sunny's blog, I also want to write something about my dream.

I began to learn piano when I was an elementary school student. In senior high school, I joined a wind band in school association. I started to contact trumpet. I hoped I can perform on the stage from my childhood. But I never go to the formal course of music. It's very difficult to be a musician. Now, I want to join a jazz band and to be a trumpet instructor.

I just play trumpet one time since I arrived here. Because I can't find a place to practice my trumpet. Only last Saturday, I go to Javier's home. I played music with him.

Javier live in homestay. He asked his homemother that could we play music in the house. His homemother said "It's not big deal, sometimes the neighbor beat a drum." Javier is a good guitarist. I played melody and he accompanied. It was very fun.

I still want to find a place where I can practice everyday. If you know somewhere I can practice trumpet. Please tell me.

Friday, February 8, 2008

I'm missing you

I have arrived Galgary for near a month. I miss my girlfriend so much. We use Skype to talk with each other everyday. But the time of here is different to Taiwan. It's late 15 hours. I study English and write homeworks a lot of time at home. So we have less time to talk. We very treasure the time.

Tuesday of this week I received a package that she sent from Taiwan. I was very excited about it. She sent two letters and a lot of foods. I'm so happy that she want to wait for me in this time. She is so nice and very kind to me. Oh, I love her. Although we live faraway, our hearts are always together.

I have adapted myself to this new environment, but the mood of I miss her is more and more. I will try harder to learn English here. I promised that I will celebrate with her next new year.