Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Crazed Chicken Wing

Last Wednesday, I went downtown to eat chicken wing with Lance and Leslie. The pub was named Unicorn. It has a special price of chicken wing on Wednesday.

This pub is underground. We should show our passport when we went into there. I knew that the waiter just wanted to check our age. I think all of pub here will do that. Beginning, we just ordered three kinds of chicken wings that included Honey Garlic, B.B.Q, Salt & Peper. It's really delicious. After a while, Lance wanted to try a "Hell Fire". The waiter told us that it's really very very very spicy. It's the hottest in this pub. We ordered one to try. I tried a bit. Oh my god!! It's too hot. Leslie and I couldn't eat one more bit and the waiter took a lot of water to us. So, Lance had to finish all "hell fire". All waiters thought we are crazed. When we left there, our lips became double thickness.

After that, we really want to eat chicken wing again, but we won't order Hell Fire absolutely.


marvin said...

I really want to eat spicy food because I missed Korean food and Korean food is more spicy than Canadian food. I envy you ;)

deyvid-s said...

Spicy food! It is really bad I tried to eat some meat this sunday and it was terrible, I spended all the sunday night in the washroom. I recommend you don't eat more spicy food it could be really bad for your stomach.

Hsiao-Yen said...

Hi guy,
Don't forget me. why you didn't tell me?

Kristi said...

That's too funny! I love spicy food, but not that hot! My favourite is salt and pepper. I think I'll stick to that...