Monday, February 18, 2008

It's my dream

After I read Sunny's blog, I also want to write something about my dream.

I began to learn piano when I was an elementary school student. In senior high school, I joined a wind band in school association. I started to contact trumpet. I hoped I can perform on the stage from my childhood. But I never go to the formal course of music. It's very difficult to be a musician. Now, I want to join a jazz band and to be a trumpet instructor.

I just play trumpet one time since I arrived here. Because I can't find a place to practice my trumpet. Only last Saturday, I go to Javier's home. I played music with him.

Javier live in homestay. He asked his homemother that could we play music in the house. His homemother said "It's not big deal, sometimes the neighbor beat a drum." Javier is a good guitarist. I played melody and he accompanied. It was very fun.

I still want to find a place where I can practice everyday. If you know somewhere I can practice trumpet. Please tell me.


♥ Sunny ♥ said...

I'm so happy that you wrote about same topic as me. If we try to about dream we will see our better future. I hope you can find a place to practice your trumpet. I really want you will accomplish real dream.

hinojosa ca said...

Hi Ru, I have a friend, he's from Austria He play the Saxophone, he is in the band music on the calgary University, they play music like kind big bads.
If you want, I can ask him, if you can play with them. I hope so, see soon.

Margarita said...

Congratulation for your musical’s activity. I like the piano and Trumpet, but I don’t play neither instruments. If will be know some people playing Trumpet, I send the information for you. Is wonderful the dreams achievement.

Tania Yaitzkiy said...

I think you will be a good musician. Keep practising and keep up the good work!