Sunday, February 24, 2008

Banff Trip

This friday I joined the Banff trip of ESL. Banff is a national park and it's a beautiful place. There are many kinds of wild animals in there. I saw a lot of majestic mountain scenery and I acquainted some friends. This trip was wonderful.

Let me introduce my friend Eason. I acquainted him in this trip. He is a nice guy. He sat next to me on the tourist bus. He knew I didn't bring camera, so he lent his camera to me. I almost went with him all the trip. We ate lunch together, we rode gondola together, we went to the hot spring together, and we went home together.

About 11:00 we arrived Banff. We only had one hour and half to stay in town center. We just looked some stores in there and then we ate lunch in McDonald's. Because that is cheaper in there. We also rode gondola, everyone go to Banff always to rode gondola. The scenery is amazing when you ride in gondola. Then we went to the hot spring. It's like a pool, not real spring. But taking hot spring was comfortable. All besetments and tiredness disappear at a moment.

This is a good experience in my life. If I have a chance to go Banff I must go there again.


Marcy said...

I am glad you had a wonderful time in Banff and that you made a friend.

Tania Yaitzkiy said...

I could't go with you, but I went there with my family and I think is a beautiful place too.