Sunday, March 9, 2008

Daylight Saving Time

Daylight Saving Time began on this Sunday. It means spring is coming. It's my first time to experience of cutting one hour in a day. When I just arrived here in January, I went to school that the sky was dark. Now, I woke up at 7:00 that the sun has risen already. I think it's important to help the energy economy.

In Taiwan, we don't need to enforce the summer time. Because it's not many differences between summer day and winter day. But I used the Internet to search information that Taiwan had enforced the summer time in 1945 to 1979. I wasn't born already.

I had been used to talk with my girlfriend the other day. Now, we need to change these habits. First, when I woke up, I wanted to talk with her but she was eating. Then, when I finished classes a day, I wanted to see her on the Internet but she was sleeping. We are trying to be used the summer time.

1 comment:

Tania Yaitzkiy said...

Ru, this DST is confusing for me because in Venezuela we never change the hours, no matter is winter or summer.