Sunday, March 2, 2008

Going to Javier's home

Friday I went to the concert and so I felt that my mouth was itching. I wanted to play my trumpet. I have a lot of time that I don't play trumpet. "Can I go to your home to play trumpet this Saturday" I asked Javier. I prepared three songs that I wanted to play with him.

I made an appointment with Javier at 2:00 pm. I saw Kristi and Liliana in the school. Kristi was teaching Liliana English about pronunciation. I was waiting for Javier. He was late one hour. I knew he missed the bus. In this time I listened with Liliana what Kristi's teaching. Javier came to school at 3:00 pm. So I didn't have much time to practice. But his homestay was very nice. I talked more with the children. The little girl was very cute. The boy wanted to learn about guitar. We took some picture in the house. Although I couldn't get more practice. But I have a great Saturday.


Anonymous said...

RUUU,' I’m so sorry, (again) you know, on the weekends is more difficult to take the bus. but I’m glad because you had a good weekend with the children.

Tania Yaitzkiy said...

Seems you had a good time playing with the kids

Marcy said...

WOw, what a special experience!